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Blue Meridian:   We stand on the merits of our accomplishments, the honor of our professionalism and our dedication and loyalty to our customers - our friends and dive buddies!




Specialty Courses


Sat Aug 10—Specialty Day!

We will be available to work on any specialty you are interested in.  Please contact us in advance so we can plan for your dives and make it a great, fun day for everyone! Peak, S & R, Wreck, Night, Deep, Navigation, Boat and so many more options available!



Night Diver


If you’ve never had an opportunity to try a night dive, join us at Mermet and try it .


Sat Aug 10—Specialty Day!


Night diving is one of the most unique types of diving you will ever try.  We will be at the quarry Saturday evening to lead a night dive for anyone wanting to come.  We do need to know in advance if you are coming so we can prepare for the dive and the number of people participating. 



Peak Performance Buoyancy


Ok, there are several people out there looking to improve their buoyancy control.  If that describes you...this is the class you are looking for!

On Saturday August 10 we will be at Mermet Springs and we will offer the Peak Performance Buoyancy course.  This is a fun and worthwhile class.  We will focus on positional awareness,  how much weight you have on, we will practice neutral buoyancy techniques and teach you a few new tricks as well.  If you are up for it, you can complete 2 Peak Performance dives and have your specialty rating in this area. 

Let us know if you are interested and we will get you on the class roster.  We promise, it is a course worth taking!



Ready for your

Open Water Certification?


Scuba diving is one of the most wonderful sports you will ever experience! It is a lifetime certification that opens doors to the most beautiful view of a whole different world underwater.  Gorgeous coral formations, vibrant colors on every fish and creature life you can imagine and fun….let’s say that together it’s FUN!!


Some people would call us old school because we still like to spend time with our students in the classroom and pool and get to know them and in turn let them get to know us.  Others opt for the fast track online training and a quick dip in the pool option….but over the 32 years I’ve been teaching...I find quality is more important than quick.


So, we need you for 2 full weekends, you will do some studying at home before you come in on the first weekend to meet with your instructor.  Then the rest of the time you and your instructor will navigate through the oh so important information in the classroom and the pool to give you the background and confidence you need to complete your Open Water Checkout dives with us at Mermet Springs on the second weekend.  We promise you will be ready to explore a whole new world when you finish your training with us.


Our classes are going full swing, we still have openings for our August and September classes.  Please reach out to us and compare our prices, that alone will make you take a step back.  We offer top quality training with the most experienced staff  for prices that are untouchable.  Make sure you are comparing apples to apples when looking at certification costs…..we have 1 price….no hidden fees for your checkouts or rental….no hidden fees to get your certification card.  With the exception of the entry fee for the quarry, with Blue Meridian one price covers it all.  Lastly, yes it’s true, if you purchase your basic gear(mask, snorkel, fins and boots) from us we will give you discounts on that gear, a free gear bag to carry it in and  $100 off the cost of your course.  Yes, $100 off your course cost for supporting your local dive center.

Give us a call, we will be more than happy to share all the information about our classes, our costs, our exceptional staff and the wonderful time you are about to experience!


Here are our available

Open Water Class/Pool Dates:

August 3 & 4

August 24 & 25

September 7 & 8

September 28 & 29

Sign up today… we fill up fast!!



Advanced OW


Are you ready for the next step up the certification ladder? Then Advanced Open Water is that step!  Advanced introduces you to different types of diving like wreck, deep, navigation and so many more areas.  Advanced also opens the door for you to begin your journey toward your Master Scuba Diver rating.  Our Advanced course is a 2 day course and all your time will be spent at the quarry where we will review and prep for each dive and then go do the dive. This is an opportunity for you to try these different dives under the direct supervision of one of our instructors to see if any area grabs your attention.


Next Advanced class is August 10 & 11


Sign up today to take the next step on your Scuba Diving Journey!



Specialty of the Month!


Each month, Jan thru Oct, we will offer a specialty certification.  If you sign up for the specialty in the month it is highlighted, you will receive 15% off the course cost.

We will list each month and the specialty we are offering here on our webpage, in our online Newsletter and on our fb page.

Let’s kick this off:

August                       Night Diver Specialty

September                Wreck Diver Specialty

October                     Enriched Air Nitrox



Quote of the Month:


“May the month ahead be filled with an abundance of magnificent miracles, blissful blessings and splendid surprises




Want to Discover Scuba??

We offer a free scuba tryout session called a Discover Scuba.  We can let you try scuba diving before you make the big commitment of the certification class.  We highly recommend a Discover to anyone who is not quite sure that diving is for them.  We need about 1 hour of your time, we provide all the equipment you need, there is a little bit of paperwork but best of all it’s FREE!!  So, what are you waiting for, call us and set up your appointment to try scuba diving.  We think you’ll love it as much as we do!!!



Tri-States Only PADI 5-Star Dive Center






The Name Says It All



The Professional Association of Diving Instructors



People come from all over the tri-state to dive with Blue Meridian.  Why?   Because they know our staff loves diving and it shows in everything we do, because we teach the PADI System of Diver Education and because we are professionals at every level!  Families and singles, scout troops from Evansville, Madisonville & Owensboro, youth groups, college students, fire fighters, police officers and water response teams from the tri-state area and beyond pick Blue Meridian for their training facility!  



Because they know Blue Meridian has the tri-states most experienced and professional instruction staff.  You are our priority!  We are here for your enjoyment, your safety and your peace of mind!  Every class we offer is an opportunity for you to get the best training the tri-state has to offer. Walk in our door as strangers and you will leave as our friends.  We are your dive buddies for life...not just while you are in one of our classes.


We value each customer that comes through our door. We understand that with the economy in a strain, you have to make important choices on where you spend your hard earned money and we appreciate the opportunity to give you the best value for your dollar.  Please do some prices...there is a definite difference and unfortunately there is no added benefit for you paying almost double at other locations.  


We offer you the

highest quality training 

backed by the 

most reputable training agency in the world 

taught by the 

most experienced, professional staff 

at the 

most affordable prices


So come to Blue Meridian - 

        where the Tri-State and more learns to Dive!



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Send an email to or call us at the store and we'll sign you up!  

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